Course curriculum

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    Mini Routines

    • 8 May 2021 - Beginner Rings Strength, Assisted Muscle Up & Inverted Tuck Position

    • 7 May 2021 - Rings Strength, Toenail Assisted Muscle Up& Inverted Pikes

    • 4 May 2021 - Stability Ball Workout, Core Stability, Glutes & Hamstrings

    • 4 May 2021 - Paralette Workout, Straddle Sit & Tuck Planche Pulls

    • 15 April 2021 - Parallettes Basic Workout, Crow Lsit & Push Up Tempo

    • 8 April 2021 - Basic Ring Strength Routine, Chin Up Holds & Inverted Tucks

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    Mobility & Stretch

    • 16 April 2021 - Thoracic Mobility, Low Bridge Hold & Bridge Twist

    • 18 March 2021 - Adductor Mobility & Middle Splits

    • 7 January 2021 - Thoracic Pry, Shoulder Flexion & Single Leg Bridge

    • 28 December 2020 - Thoracic Mobility & Bridge Push Ups

    • 26 November 2020 - Upper Body Mobility, Lat Roll, Thoracic Mobility & Lat Stretches

    • 19 November 2020 - Standing Pike Stretch, Single Leg Pike & Elevated Pigeon

    • 5 November 2020 - Horse Position Good Morning, Weighted Butterfly & Froggy Pulls

    • 22 October 2020 - Mobility & Stretch - Quad Stretches & Pigeon Holds

    • 15 October 2020 - Upper Body Mobility - Shoulder Extension, Internal Rotation & Swimmers

    • 1 October 2020 -Upper Body Mobility, Shoulder Bridge & Wall Cat Stretch

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    Handstand Basics

    • 26 April 2021 - Handstand Basics, Piked Handstands & Kicks to Handstand

    • 29 October 2020 - Handstand Basics, Piked Handstand Walks & Single Leg Handstand Hold

    • 15 October 2020 - Handstand Basics - 45 Degree Wall Walks, Shoulder Touches & Crow Forward Rolls

    • 16 June 2020 - Elbow Supported Headstand Straddles & Piked Handstand Walks

    • 2 June 2020 - Tucked Handstand Shrugs, Cartwheel Wall Walks & Bent Arm Crow Leans

    • 14 May 2020 - Elbow Stands, Pike Handstand Walkouts & Lying Split Pulls

    • 12 May 2020 - Tuck & Straddle Jumps to Handstand, Single Leg Handstand Holds & Alignment Work

    • 7 May 2020 - Elbow Stand Holds & Tucked Handstand Shrugs

    • 23 April 2020 - Basic Handstand & Cartwheel Wall Walks (LIVE Class)

    • 17 April 2020 -Basic Alignment Holds, Headstands& Elbow Stands (LIVE Class)

    • 11 April 2020 - Cartwheels To Handstands & Shoulder Shrugs (LIVE Class)

    • 9 April 2020 -Tucked Handstand & Core Stability (LIVE Class)

    • 7 April 2020 - 45 Degree Handstands & Handstand Positions (LIVE Class)

    • 4 April 2020 - Tucked Handstands & Tuck Jumps to Handstand (LIVE Class)

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    • 5 Jan 2022 - Handstand Straddles & Elbow Headstand Straddles

    • 15 May 2021 - Handstand Tucks, Handstand Entries, Tuck Entry & Negatives

    • 12 April 2021 - Wall Assisted Single Leg Handstands

    • 23 March 2021 - Angry Cats & Elbow Stand Press

    • 23 January 2021 - Wall Assisted Elevated Press & Wall Frogs

    • 12 January 2021 - Wall Assisted Press, Pike Walks & Single Bar Straddle Sit

    • 5 January 2021 - Press To Handstand, Tuck Jumps To Handstand & Handstand Tuck Lower

    • 2 January 2021 - Press To Handstand & Straddle Jumps

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    Core Conditioning

    • 26 April 2021 - Glute Bridge Sequence & Hollow Sequence

    • 19 March 2021 - 20 Minutes Hip Flexors & Glutes Conditioning Workout

    • 20 January 2021 - Glutes & Hip Flexors

    • 6 January 2021 - Core Stability & Hollow Curls

    • 28 December 2020 - Obliques & Posterior Chain

    • 1 December 2020 - Weighted Oblique Bends & Lower Back Flutters

    • 28 October 2020 - Core Conditioning, Obliques & Lower Back

    • 14 October 2020 - Core Stability, Elbow, Plank Bird Dogs & Deadbug Burn

    • 7 October 2020 - Obliques & Lower Back

    • 30 September 2020 - Core Conditioning, Upper Abs & Lower Abs

    • 23 July 2020 - Stability Ball Conditioning Core Stability

    • 5 June 2020 - Core Conditioning, Upper & Lower Abs

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    Gymnastics Strength

    • 14 April 2021 - Leg Strength & Step Ups Squats

    • 10 April 2021 - Straight Arm Crow & Assisted Chin Ups

    • 24 March 2021 - Basic Human Flag Holds & Lsit Lifts

    • 17 March 2021 - Strength, LSit Lifts & Side Supports

    • 25 January 2021 - Upper body Strength, Chin Ups & Lsit Scissors

    • 19 January 2021 - Advanced Shrimp Squats & Single Leg Strength

    • 5 January 2021 - Skater Squats & Pistol Benchmark

    • 4 January 2021 - Chin Up Negatives, Tuck Sit Holds & Single Arm Rows

    • 28 December 2020 - Tuck Sits & Chin Up Holds

    • 16 November 2020 - Chin Up Negatives & Headstand Leg Lifts

    • 3 November 2020 - Lower Body Strength, Single Leg Jumping Drills & Skater Squats

    • 29 October 2020 - Upper Body Strength, Parallel Bar, Tuck Leg Extensions & Planche Leans

    • 22 October 2020 -Upper Body Strength - P-bar Tuck Sit Hold & P-Bar Push up to Side Support

    • 27 October 2020 - Lower Body Strength, Staggered Deadlift, Leg Extensions & Pistol Squat Rolls

    • 18 January 2021 - Chin Up Negatives & L-Sit Holds

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    Movement & Locomotion

    • 5 June 2020 - Hangs, Kneeling Back Bends & Kneeling Low Bridge

    • 30 May 2020 - Low Bridge Back Bends, Monkey Walks & Cartwheels

    • 29 May 2020 - Sissy Squats, Low Bridge Back Bends & Squat Walks

    • 16 May 2020 - Roll Variations & Handstands

    • 15 May 2020 - Diagonal Hip Stretch, Macaco Flip & Bridge Twists

    • 9 May 2020 - Duck Walks, Horse Walks, Inchworms & Lizards

    • 8 May 2020 - Back Bends Bridge Twists & Basic Hangs

    • 2 May 2020 - Tuck Jumps & Kicks to Handstand

    • 1 May 2020 - Balance Drills, Hops & Skips, Backward Rolls

    • 25 April 2020 - Push up Walks, Lunge to Handstand & Frog to Crow (LIVE Class)

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    Gymnastics HIIT

    • 2 November 2020 - Gymnastics HIIT, 4 RD Circuit

    • 26 October 2020 - Gymnastics HIIT, 3 Circuit Tabata

    • 17 August 2020 - 4RD Sprint, Jump Squats, Vsnaps, Wall Walks & Candle Roll Burpees

    • 22 June 2020 - 5 Rounds Tabata Intense Workout

    • 1 June 2020 - Pyramid Workout, Rows, Push Ups, V Snaps & Feet Together Squats

    • 25 May 2020 - 20 Min Full Body Sweat

    • 11 May 2020 - 28 Min EMOM