Welcome to Kazam Online

"The virtual classes helped me stay positive and connected"
The classes welcome everybody, no matter the age, fitness level and physical abilities. Each is designed for people with various levels of abilities and skills. I am a 57 years old new gymnast working out in the same class with the twenty or thirty-years old yoga gurus. We all learn, progress and workout together. During the pandemic, these classes a great way to stay positive and connected.

"Each participant gets individualized feedback on their movements and positions through the virtual classes"
I have been quarantined in my house for 10 days and the Kazam Gymnastics Team has delivered not one, but two LIVE classes a day to my living room. It is more than just a recorded workout video. It's a community that keeps its each other accountable with proper sequencing and live individual feedback. Thank you to my adult gymnastics coach Alex MacInnis for making all the movements accessible to all athletic levels.

"When I started doing the mobility classes, even my physiotherapist noticed an improvement"
When life changed so drastically for all of us, I was worried that I was going to lose all of the progress I'd made in the last 6 months. I can't even tell you how excited I was to be able to attend mobility classes to 3 times a week with my virtual membership. I not only feel great, I'm seeing much faster improvements, especially in my bridges and handstands. Thanks again for the fantastic virtual coaching.